Playful, Pius or Remembered Stuff

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


My wife is unique in so many ways. She is one of a kind as far as I am concerned. So why should I be surprised that she has a kind of tumor I have never heard of before? The sheath that surrounds nerve cells are made of schwann cells. Since this tumor is made of these cells it is called a "schwannoma". I thought "Schwann" must be some lab research doctor's name, as is so often the case in weird sounding names of diseases.

These tumors become malignant in less than one percent of the cases. They are usually slow growing, so unless it causes pressure against the bone and/or nerve, we will probably do absolutely nothing. Kaiser wants to check it again in a few months to confirm that it is slow growing, and not a problem. For this good news we give God a big "thank You". And no we did not ask the doctor if she was sure this was Barbara's biopsy report.

I have seen definite signs of relief in Barbara since she received this report. Now we are concentrating our attention on preparing to leave to see our son, Bobby and his family in Memphis. Since we fly out tomorrow morning we do need to focus our attention on all those easily forgotten details. For us the packing of medicine is in itself a big chore. We both have special containers to stash each day's pill supply in separate chambers of a larger packet.

From Memphis we are all driving to Branson, MO, to be entertained in this tourist trap. We expect to see a "family" show and eat more than we should of the good stuff.

If we perish in a fiery plane crash, or from a heart attack because of the greasy food, you will understand why this fascinating column has no more new posts. This too is all in God's hands. My friend, Bob Lee, was absolutely fanatical about eating and exercising. He was in great shape until he keeled over at the ripe old age of 61. As I said before, "All this and heaven too!" God is just too good for our praise to ever do Him justice.

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