Recently we enjoyed fresh squash from our garden. The zucchini that I planted are all proving quite prolific. When you go to the nursery and buy flowers or veggies, they usually come in a six-pack carton, and you have no choice but to plant six plants. Well there is quite a different matter between the enjoyment of planting a garden, and the responsibility of harvest. Years ago we had a fruitful zucchini plant, and we remember overlooking a squash that was hidden under leaves. Maybe we left home for a few days. I really don't remember. But I vividly remember discovering this squash that had transformed itself from a vegetable into a giant gourd.
Now we have not one or two, but six zucchini plants, all of which are proving themselves to be healthy and active. The other day I counted no less than 10 mini squash developing on these fruitful plants. Several of them are finger size and even a little larger. Fancy restaurants like to serve them this size with maybe baby carrots or some other infant veggies. Now we are planning to be away this week for our trip to the Grand Canyon, and we can just imagine the harvest jubilee that will greet us on Saturday. I will have to get out the cook books and find out what we can make of them in addition to our much anticipated ratatouille.
let them get a little bigger and stuff with ground turkey and rice with some cream of anything soup and water.