Our zucchini is beginning to set fruit. Check out the bud in the center. It has a little squash under it. The other buds will blossom with just a stem under them. But this one is definitely a zucchini. Okay, so it is rather small, but I am not a farm boy so I find it very exciting that I have planted something that will be food on the table some day not too far away. There is something so very wholesome about this. If I were concerned about political correctness I guess I would boast of being "green" in my priorities. They treat these "green" measures as a secular religion now, and it makes me want to vomit. But again, there is something of the creation ordinance that appeals to me in planting and growing food.
I also found a tomato on my Roma tomato plants. (See photo at bottom) Isn't it cute. The plant hardly got into the ground when it began blooming profusely, and then rather prematurely set fruit. I hope both the zucchini and the tomato come to fruition, but perhaps they both began a little too soon. I don't know much about these things, but that makes it all so exciting.
The fig tree (see archive post about the "happy fig") still bears the tiny figs which had already begun when it was first planted.
All this is happening while men are continuing to wreck our house in preparation for the addition we contracted.
Many years ago, when we first moved to Modesto, our new friend in the church there advised us to "Plant food, plant food!" and we have never forgotten this chorus.
I hope your garden grows well.